How You Can Help
As a mission work, Open Door Ministries operates solely through financial contributions from churches and individuals. We do not charge a fee for assisting a church through ad placement, pulpit supply, or any other service that we provide. Thank you for considering a one-time or monthly contribution to Open Door Ministries through any of the following ways:
Our sending church, Florence Baptist Church, is a 501(c)(3) organization and is set up to receive your tax deductible donations for Open Door Ministries.
Please mail and make checks payable to:
Florence Baptist Church
5561 Old US Hwy 93
Florence, MT 59833
Memo: Open Door Ministries or Mike Gross
*Open Door Ministries receives 100% of your donation
Use the Donate button below to donate to the ministry through PayPal. Please note that donations made through PayPal are assessed a fee-please see PayPal's website for more details.
*Please note that your donations through PayPal are not tax-deductible and a year-end receipt cannot be issued.

Zelle or Apple Pay
We are set up to receive donations through Zelle or Apple Pay. Check with your bank to see if this could be an option for you. Zelle donations can be sent to: and Apple Pay donations can be sent to 574-529-2201.
*Please note that your donations through Zelle and Apple Pay are not tax-deductible and a year-end receipt cannot be issued.